Doctorate in Environmental Sciences and Technology

​The Academic PhD Degree Program in Environmental Sciences and Technology at UNIVALI is rated 5 in the CAPES Assessment, operating with nationally and internationally recognized professors and researchers.

We offer the opportunity to deepen knowledge in Environmental Sciences and Technology, as well as develop a critical and scientifically based view on several areas in the field of environmental sciences. You will be able to develop new skills and specialize in a specific subject in your Master's Thesis, which qualifies your professional performance, in addition to disseminating knowledge through scientific publications in Brazil and abroad.

We prepare our students not only to enter the scientific career, but also the job market. The Master's Degree Program in Environmental Sciences and Technology is an environmental sciences area, and our Program is also open to graduates in several scientific fields, such as Oceanography, Biological Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Computing, Architecture, Law, Political Sciences, Sociology, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, among others. Come visit and meet us!

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The evaluation of Graduate Programs carried out by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) includes the annual follow-up and the quadrennial performance evaluation. It is carried out in all programs and courses that are part of the National Postgraduate System – SNPG. This rating system indicates programs with a standard of academic excellence.

​​​Curricular Structure

The Academic PhD Degree Program in Science and Environmental Technology - PPCTA lasts 48 months. Given the academic profile of the program, students are expected to be present on Mondays and Tuesdays throughout the duration of the program, in order to participate in classes, research activities, seminars and debates.

Students must demonstrate knowledge of English, Spanish and others foreign languages, as there may be classes and researchers from abroad. Foreigners must, in addition, prove proficiency in the Portuguese language.

Areas of Study

The PPCTA offers mandatory basic curriculum disciplines and electives in the two major areas of concentration and in the four different lines of research. This occurs both in the PPCTA in Itajaí and in the DINTER[1] UNIVALI/UEMASUL . It should be noted that in the case of UEMASUL, a constant adaptation is being carried out in the content of the menus, especially due to the regionalization process, since the municipality of Imperatriz is located on the banks of the Tocantins River and in the transition region between the Cerrado and the Amazon.

This strategy is based on the training of students in a wide and comprehensive palette of disciplines in the different areas of knowledge of environmental sciences and technology.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Area 1 – Structure and processes in aquatic environments

Area 2 – Use and management of natural resources

Technology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Cities

Area 1 – Strategies for environmental management and sustainable cities

Area 2 – Technology for environmental management and sustainable cities

Mandatory Disciplines 


Number of Credits

36 (thirty-six) credits in disciplines
12 (twelve) credits in the Doctor's Dissertation
Total: 48 (forty-eight) credits


Permanent faculty members :

Professor's Name
Albertina Xavier da Rosa Corrêa
André Oliveira de Souza Lima
André Silva Barreto
Carolina Schmanech Mussi
Charrid Resgalla Junior
Claudemir Marcos Radetski
Joaquim Olinto Branco
José Angel Alvarez Perez
Jurandir Pereira Filho
Luciano Torres Tricárico
Marcus Adonai Castro da Silva
Marcus Polette
Mauro Michelena Andrade
Paulo Ricardo Schwingel
Rosemeri Carvalho Marenzi
Silva Santos

Collaborating faculty members in Alicante University (Spain):

Professor's Name
Pablo Martí Ciriquián
José Luís Sánchez Lizoso

Double degree with the University of Alicante – Spain

In the Post-Graduation Program in Environmental Sciences and Technology, the double degree program with the University of Alicante – UA stands out, where the academic must have all the training disciplines of the Basic Module, both in master's and doctorate. The master program offered in Alicante takes place at the IUACA – Instituto Universitario del Agua y las Ciencias Ambientales. The academic can stay up to two months at the IUACA and participate in classes in the mandatory common disciplines offered in May and June with a maximum fulfillment of 15 credits, which are possible to be validated. 

​​Research Areas


Central theme: Environmental Science and Technology

Given the complexity of the topic, there are two lines of research:

Line 1 – Technology for environmental management and sustainable cities

Line 2 – Aquatic ecosystems

These lines guide the research projects and the course subjects. Learn more about them:


Line 1 – Strategy for environmental management and sustainable cities.

This line of research seeks to establish effective and efficient strategies for city planning with reference to the city as a heterotrophic system and dependent on resources (water, energy, consumer goods) that are necessary for its proper functioning. It seeks to assess the main driving forces, economic activities, pressures, changes in state and impacts on well-being and environmental quality. It also establishes management and governance strategies (answers and measures) based on the main environmental, sectoral and urban public policies to act directly in the resolution of problems and conflicts that occur in cities.

Line 2 - Technology for environmental management and sustainable cities.

This line of research is centered on raising, understanding, and proposing responsible technologies to assess the state of the environment of the landscapes that make up the urban environment. The focus is on water, soil and air pollution problems. The use of geotechnologies, as well as alternatives related to landscape analysis, environmental remediation, ecotoxicology.


Line 1 - Structure and Processes of Aquatic Environments

This line of research aims to understand the importance of ecosystem services, especially regarding the structure and processes that act within the scope of hydrographic basins, estuaries and seas. Six disciplines with innovative and diversified menus are directly associated with: Processes in aquatic ecosystems, Ecology and management of aquatic ecosystems, Environmental Chemistry, Biodiversity Conservation, Estuarine Environments and Advanced Statistics.

Line 2 - Use and Management of Natural Resources

This line of research is especially related to industrial and artisanal fishery sectoral activities, as well as mariculture. It is a line of research that also closely reflects the economy of the estuary of the Itajaí River, as well as the mariculture practices carried out in the bays and bights in the region, especially in Itaporoy Bight where there is the Mariculture Experimental Station.

Disciplines to be taken in the PPCTA

PPCTA students have the possibility to choose their disciplines that can be considered appropriate in agreement with their advisors. Thus, the relationship between the lines of research and disciplines is just a suggestion to be considered. Among the two major areas and lines of research of the PPCTA, the following mandatory and elective courses stand out: 

Mandatory Disciplines:

Basic Module

  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
  • Environmental Management Principles
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Technology
  • Fundamentals of Ecology
  • Scientific methodology
  • Development of Interdisciplinary Projects
  • Applied statistics
  • Seminars in Environmental Science and Technology
  • Case Studies in Environmental Science and Technology
  • Teaching Internship I and II

Elective Disciplines:

Line of Research: Strategies for Environmental Management and Sustainable Cities

  • Environmental Management and Governance Practices
  • Environmental impacts
  • Sustainable Engineering
  • Climate Change in the Coastal and Oceanic Zone

Line of Research: Technologies for Environmental Management and Sustainable Cities

  • Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Remote sensing
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Sampling Techniques and Environmental Analysis
  • Biodiversity Informatics
  • Landscape Analysis Techniques
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Toxicology
  • Technologies and Cities
  • Bioindicators, Ecotoxicology and Ecological Risk Analysis
  • Dynamics and Methods of Beach Recovery

Line of Research: Structure and Processes of Aquatic Environments

  • Processes in Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Advanced Statistics
  • Biodiversity and Climate Change
  • Estuarine environments

Line of Research: Use and Management of Natural Resources

  • Fisheries Management: Concepts and Practices
  • Marine Fisheries: Socioecological System
  • Conservation of Aquatic Mammals
  • Techniques in Aquaculture
  • Management of Conservation Units

Contact Us

458, Rua Uruguai – Centro
Itajaí – SC – Brazil
Zip Code: 88302-202
Building D8, Room 102.

+55 47 3341 7970


Working hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
13:30 pm to 17:30pm


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