Doctorate Degree in Education

The Post-Graduation Program in Education (PPGE) consists of both Academic Master's and Doctor's Degree. PPGE trains human resources with a high level of specialization since 2001, with the Academic Master's Degree in Education. During this period, the program contributed to the training of some of the main managers and researchers in Education in the region of Vale do Itajaí. In December 2011, the Doctorate in Education Program was approved, with the entry of the first class for the 1st semester of 2012.

The PPGE aims for its graduates to be able to engage in the development of Brazilian Education, contributing to the excellence of academic cultures focused on scientific production and on the improvement of educational policies and practices.

The Post-Graduation Program in Education has an articulating curricular axis focused on Public Policies and Educational Practices, which aims to identify and characterize the main public education policies in force in the country, analyzing the guiding principles and their consolidation in norms, programs and educational practices.

The lines of research, which are more specific ramifications, are concretely translated into the production of teachers and students. This structure, organized by axis and lines, is added to the research groups, which act as the most operational arms of the program. The groups develop research – both regarding the dissertations or broader researches – linked to the areas of activity of research professors, which necessarily fall into one or more lines of research and, therefore, to an axis of the PPGE. The research groups, thus, make the lines of research work, as they approach the themes of their scopes.

PPGE has research projects financed by funding agencies such as CNPq, FAPESC, FNMA, CYTED and the Government of Santa Catarina (Art. 171). The Master's degree program has CAPES scholarship quotas.

PPGE offers researchers and students large, well-lit and ventilated classrooms; individual workspaces for research professors; secretary office, meeting room; living area; workstations with computer terminals connected to the internet, in addition to having a wireless network.

The Program is located on the 4th floor of Building F4 at Univali.


The program prepares the student to:

  • Identify social and scientifically relevant problems, questioning scientific knowledge;

  • Develop research to respond to these problems, respecting the methodological rigor and ethical principles of science;

  • Socialize knowledge in the academic sphere and in school practices;

  • Insert research as a principle of teaching practice, both in teaching and extension activities;

  • Contribute to the definition of public policies in education that meet social needs;

  • Collaborate with public bodies and civil society organizations in proposing and implementing actions to solve problems in the area of educational practices;

The Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) is based on the Public Policies and Educational Practices Axis;

Public Policies and Educational Practices:

This axis proposes to identify and characterize the main public education policies in force in the country, analyzing the guiding principles and their consolidation in norms, programs and educational practices.

Lines of Research

Teaching Practices and Professional Training

The line discusses cultures in educational environments with an emphasis on teaching knowledge, on the internationalization of practices, on the distribution of roles and on the organization of space, time and pedagogical activities, as well as the construction of differences and contradictions in professional training.

Research professors:

  • Ana Cláudia Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira, Ph.D.

  • George Saliba Manske, Ph.D.

  • José Marcelo Freitas de Luna, Ph.D.

  • Sandra Cristina Vanzuita da Silva, Ph.D.

  • Tânia Regina Raitz, Ph.D.

  • Valéria Silva Ferreira, Ph.D.

Policies for Basic and Higher Education

This line researches issues related to Public Policies for basic and higher education, Public Curriculum and Assessment Policies, as well as Teacher Training Policies.

Research Professors:

  • Adriana Gomes Alves, Ph.D.

  • Ediene do Amaral Ferreira, Ph.D.

  • Paulo Rogério Melo de Oliveira, Ph.D.

  • Regina Célia Linhares Hostins, Ph.D.

  • Verônica Gesser, Ph.D.

Culture, Technology and Learning

This line develops research related to culture, artistic languages (literature, theater, dance, music and visual arts) and educational processes mediated by technology.

Research Professors:

  • Adair de Aguiar Neitzel, Ph.D.

  • André Luís Alice Raabe, Ph.D.

  • Mônica Zewe Uriarte, Ph.D.


Adair de Aguiar Neitzel, Ph.D.

  • Postdoctoral fellow at Paris I, France, Doctor in Literature UFSC and Master in Literature UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Literature; Reading; Art; Teacher training.

  • Email:

Adriana Gomes Alves, Ph.D.

  • Doctor in Education from Univali and Master in Production Engineering from UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's researches in: Informatics in Education with a focus on digital games and inclusive education.

  • Email:

Ana Claudia Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira, Ph.D.

  • With a postdoctoral degree from USP, a PhD in Political Sociology from UFSC and a Master's degree in Political Sociology from UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Gender Relations in the interaction between Education and Work; Youth, educational practices and the world of work.

  • Email:

André Luís Alice Raabe, Ph.D.

  • Postdoctoral fellow at Standfort University, USA, Doctor in Informatics in Education at UFRGS and Master in Computer Science at PUCRS.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Informatics in Education with a focus on the themes: Computational Thinking; Computing in Mathematics Education; Informatics in Early Childhood Education; Education in Computing and Computational Thinking.

  • Email:

George Saliba Manske, Ph.D.

  • Doctor in Education from UFRGS and Master in Education from UFRGS.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Cultural Studies in Education; Pedagogies of the body and health; Non-formal educational and curricular practices; Production and government of subjects; Medicalization of school and society.

  • Email:

Jose Marcelo Freitas de Luna, Ph.D.

  • Post-doctorate in Historiography of Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language at the University of Texas/Austin, Doctor in Linguistics at USP, Master in Letters at UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Linguistics applied to Language Teaching; Historiography of Linguistics; Internationalization of Higher Education and Curriculum Internationalization.

  • Email:

Monica Zewe Uriarte, Ph.D.

  • Doctor in Education Univali and Master in Education UFPR.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Art; Art Teaching; Teacher training.

  • Email:

Paulo Rogerio Melo de Oliveira, Ph.D.

  • Doctor in History from UFRGS and Master in History from UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: History and History Teaching; Gender Relations, Identities and Curriculum; History and Historiography of History Teaching; Cultural Studies in Education; Film and Education; and Mythology and Education.

  • Email:

Regina Célia Linhares Hostins, Ph.D.

  • With a post-doctorate from the London Institute of Education, Doctor in Education UFSC and Master in Education UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Inclusive education; teacher training; educational policies.

  • Email:

Sandra Cristina Vanzuita da Silva, Ph.D.

  • Doctor in Education from UNIVALI and Master in Education from UNIVALI.

  • Provides guidance to Master's researches in:: Teacher training policies; Teacher training for Early Childhood Education and Early Years; Teaching practices for children.

  • Email:

Tania Regina Raitz, Ph.D.

  • Post-doctorate in Studies on Academic and Labor Transitions at the University of Barcelona/Spain, Doctor in Education at UFRGS and Master in Political Sociology at UFSC.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Sociology of Education; Sociology of Institutions; Sociology of Childhood and Youth; Memory, Identity and Education; Youth, Work and Education; Processes of Professional Training and Health of the Teaching Worker.

  • Email:

Valeria Silva Ferreira, Ph.D.

  • PhD in Educational Psychology at PUC/SP and Master in Education at UFPR.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Training policies, funding of early childhood education; Knowledge and school practices in childhood; Family and school relationship.

  • Email:

Veronica Gesser, Ph.D.

  • Post-Doctorate in Curriculum from Barry University, USA, Doctor in Education from Florida International University (USA), Master in Education (area of concentration: curriculum) from PUC/SP.

  • Provides guidance to Master's and Doctor's researches in: Public Curriculum and Evaluation Policies; Curriculum and/or Program Evaluation; Curriculum and Teacher Training.

  • Email:

General Information

Duration of the course:

  • 36 months (3 years)

Curricular structure:

The doctoral student must complete at least 48 credits (in thirty-six months), distributed as follows:

  • Common Core - 12 (twelve) credits in compulsory disciplines.

  • Specific core - 08 (eight) credits in Research Participation + 12 (twelve) credits in thematic seminars + 04 (four) credits in Scientific Productivity.

  • Doctor's Dissertation activities - 06 (six) credits.

Students must demonstrate knowledge of two foreign languages. Foreigners must also prove proficiency in the Portuguese language.



Prof. Dr. Veronica Gesser.

Contact us

UNIVALI – Campus Itajaí

458, Rua Uruguai
Building F4,  Room 407
Itajaí  – SC – Brazil
Zip Code: 88302-901




+55 47 3341-7516
+55 47 3341-7822

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 am. to 12pm.
1:30pm. 5:30pm.


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